Isaac R.

Age: 5
Hometown: Loganville, GA
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Heart Failure; Protein Losing Enteropathy
Favorite characters: Baymax, Spider-Man, and Groot
Favorite bands: Funnel Vision, Captain Hook, FGTeev, and NF
Favorite foods: Ice Cream and Mac & Cheese
Favorite TV shows: FGTeev, Mr. Beast, Unspeakable, Blippi
Favorite movie: Elemental, Home Alone 2, Lightyear, Elf, Minions, Five Nights at Freddy’s
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite things to do: Camping, Playing Video/VR games with my brothers, swinging on the swingset
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Like Mr. Steve (my favorite nurse at CHOA)
What are you looking forward to most?: Riding the rollercoasters and eating ice cream!