James C.
Age: 5
Hometown: Dawsonville, GA
T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Lukemia
Favorite Disney Character: Jake and Mickey
Favorite Disney Celebrity: Belle
Favorite Singer or Band: Fallout Boy
Favorite Song: Sugar We Really Going Down
Favorite Food: Cheese dip, alfredo, pizza
Favorite TV Show: Mickey Mouse, Mario Brothers, Super Why!
Favorite Movie: Snow White
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite sport/hobby: Wrestling, video games
“The Bert Show” member you want to take on a ride at Walt Disney World: Bert
Souvenir I would take back from Walt Disney World: Mickey
When grow up I want to be: A Doctor
I’m looking forward to: Making friends
What first time experiences will you have on this trip? This will be our first trip to to Disney world as a family. I am sure we will have many firsts during this trip and make incredible memories!