In 2001, The Bert Show aired for the very first time in Atlanta, GA, hosted by Bert Weiss. Six months after the show began, co-founders Bert Weiss and Stacey Weiss began establishing the groundwork for Bert’s Big Adventure. In 2003, the organization took seven children with chronic and terminal illnesses and their families on the journey of a lifetime to Walt Disney World for the inaugural trip. What began as a trip for seven families in need from the Atlanta area grew to an annual trip for 12 to 15 families from all over the U.S. and a lifetime of support.
In addition to the trip, Bert’s Big Adventure now also provides year-round programs that further its mission of supporting these very special families. Our programs include our trip to Walt Disney World, our Fairy Godparent volunteer program and our Reunion Adventures! To date, Bert’s Big Adventure has served 173 children and their families through these programs.