Today’s Fairy Godparent spotlight belongs to the amazing Spider-Man a.k.a. Bret Sanderson! Here’s what he has to say about his Fairy Godparent journey so far.
“Back in college, I used to listen to the Bert Show every morning on my drive to class and would always hear about Bert’s BIg Adventure. I am a huge Disney fan and love working with kids so I thought ‘what a perfect way to serve and get involved!’ “
“I signed up to be a Fairy Godparent in 2016 and that kicked off an amazing journey of giving back and building lasting relationships. Almost 10 years later, I am so honored to be just a small part of such a magical organization. The staff is amazing, the families are wonderful, and the kids are an inspiration. They are the most positive, loving, joyful people even in the face of such adversity, and I thank God that I’ve been able to serve alongside them.”
Magical Moments
The send-off parties and Disney trips are EPIC! First class all the way, just what these kids and families deserve. I’ve been privileged enough to play Spider-Man on more that one occasion and the cast of character volunteers are the absolute best. I even got to serve with my wife last year (she was Sleeping Beauty)!
The amazing reunions, especially the Christmas reunion and pool parties!
Bert’s Big Adventure puts the FUN in each of their fundraising events. The fashion show is a class of its own. Thank you to all who give! It makes all the difference!

Thank you, Carter’s Charitable Foundation for sponsoring our Fairy Godparent Program and a BIG thanks to Bret for being our neighborhood Spider-Man! Will you join us in showing him some extra love and appreciation?
Thank you, Carter’s Charitable Foundation and Bret!
Launched in May of 2010 through the Carter’s Charitable Foundation, our Fairy Godparent Volunteer Program supports Bert’s Big Adventure’s children and their families through the stress and uncertainty of hospitalizations. The beloved fairy godparents visit Bert’s Big Adventure kiddos at partner hospitals daily throughout their hospitalization, bringing toys, activities, food and a much-needed break for the entire family.

In addition to the Fairy Godparent Volunteer Program, Carter’s also provides a team of volunteers at the Disney Send-Off Celebration and Family Reunion Adventures throughout the year. Because of its strong support and unwavering commitment to Bert’s Big Adventure, Carter’s has become a trusted teammate, helping Bert’s Big Adventure accomplish more each year.
As a token of our appreciation, we’re going behind the scenes of our Fairy Godparent program and bragging about a volunteer every first Friday of the month! Won’t you help us in making them feel extra special and loved?