Today’s Fairy Godparent spotlight belongs to the magnificent, Brie! Here’s what she has to say about her Fairy Godparent journey so far.
“A funny story about how I started with Bert’s Big Adventure…”
“After hearing all about this magical nonprofit, I bumped into Sheridan, the Program Manager at Bert’s Big Adventure, one day at a Bootcamp class. She and I were talking, and funny enough, I found out that she worked for the nonprofit. I told her how I had been dreaming about becoming a part of Bert’s Big Adventure, and she helped me become a Fairy Godparent! I love getting to be a part of this organization and had the honor to meet the most amazing and strong families.”
“A big stand out moment for me was getting to watch BBA2018 kiddo Khairi ring the bell to finish his treatment, for the second time.”
“I visited him throughout his hospital stays, so I saw how much he had to overcome. Khairi is a warrior and so is his Mom. She always has a big smile, even on the hardest days. They are such a special family!”

“Another special moment happened when I was visiting BBA2011 kiddo Abby. She and I were together watching TV when the nurse came in and needed to do a couple of things to her port. When I asked Abby what I could do to help, she asked if I would please hold her hand. Such a sweet moment from a brave girl.”

“Another special moment was also with my son at his school. His 5th grade class did a service project, and they picked Bert’s Big Adventure. We got to teach his entire 5th grade about Bert’s Big Adventure and all the good it does. The 5th graders worked to make blankets and hospital toiletry kits for the kids when they were in the hospital.”

Thank you, Carter’s Charitable Foundation for sponsoring our Fairy Godparent Program and thank you to Brie for being a truly amazing friend to our precious kiddos! Won’t you help us in making them feel extra special and loved?
Thank you, Carter’s Charitable Foundation and Brie!
Launched in May of 2010 through the Carter’s Charitable Foundation, our Fairy Godparent Volunteer Program supports Bert’s Big Adventure’s children and their families through the stress and uncertainty of hospitalizations. The beloved fairy godparents visit Bert’s Big Adventure kiddos at partner hospitals daily throughout their hospitalization, bringing toys, activities, food and a much-needed break for the entire family.

In addition to the Fairy Godparent Volunteer Program, Carter’s also provides a team of volunteers at the Disney Send-Off Celebration and Family Reunion Adventures throughout the year. Because of its strong support and unwavering commitment to Bert’s Big Adventure, Carter’s has become a trusted teammate, helping Bert’s Big Adventure accomplish more each year.
As a token of our appreciation, we’re going behind the scenes of our Fairy Godparent program and bragging about a volunteer every first Friday of the month! Won’t you help us in making them feel extra special and loved?