Crisp Game Changers Summit raises $200,000 for Bert’s Big Adventure!
Crisp is the nation’s fastest-growing company of its kind and hosts the largest law firm conference on earth! Through dedicated service, Crisp helps law firms generate unprecedented growth by equipping them with both world-class video marketing and the industry’s top leadership and management coaching program.

In 2021, their incredible team approached Bert’s Big Adventure with an idea – include Bert’s Big Adventure as the beneficiary of the annual Game Changers Summit. Knowing their unmatched work ethic and passion for giving back, we quickly and wholeheartedly accepted! With top law firm owners, industry experts, and market leaders in attendance and thanks to generosity of Summit attendees, as well as 100 percent of the proceeds from all Crisp swag sold at the event, Crisp raised $100,000 for our precious Bert’s Big Adventure families. This money made a measurable difference in our year-round programming throughout 2021 – including our March 2021 trip to Walt Disney World!

On November 2nd and 3rd, the Game Changers Summit 2022 returned to Atlanta, this time on the field (!!!) at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Not only did this gracious group invite us to once again be the beneficiary, but they also included our founder, staff and a few of our families in the programming. We’ve got to say – It was our favorite 50-yard line huddle ever!

From Arnold Schwarzenegger to Kevin O’Leary, Camille Vasquez to David Goggins, and so many more, the speaker lineup and educational resources throughout this two-day event were truly unparalleled. Bert’s Big Adventure kiddos, Sam and Peyton, were even able to take the stage and talk with our friends and pioneers behind Crisp, Jessica and Michael Mogill. Truly, there is nothing cuter than one of our sweet kiddos mic’d up to talk about Mickey Mouse.
During one of the final sessions, Bert’s Big Adventure was beyond blown away when we were presented with a check for $200,000.

While Crisp doubling their donation in only one year feels fitting given the company’s rapid and explosive growth since inception, we were still in awe of the generosity of both Crisp and this year’s Summit attendees. To everyone behind the meticulous planning of the Game Changers Summit and this incredible donation, our most heartfelt thank you!